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Malcolm Fraser: Guide to Archives of Australia's Prime Ministers - Malcolm Fraser: Guide to Archives of Australia's Prime Ministers

Malcolm Fraser: Guide to Archives of Australia's Prime Ministers Malcolm Fraser: Guide to Archives of Australia's Prime Ministers - front coverEnlarge image - View image gallery by Elizabeth Masters and Katie Wood includes biographies by Margaret SimonsPublished by National Archives of Australia and University of Melbourne ArchivesThis guide describes the archival records on Malcolm and Tamie Fraser held by the National Archives of Australia, University of Melbourne Archives and other institutions.Malcolm Fraser was Australia's 22nd Prime Minister, beginning his term in 1975 and remaining in office until 1983. At 25 years of age he was the youngest MP when he entered Parliament in 1955. He held the seat of Wannon, in the western district of Victoria, for nearly 28 years.Dr Margaret Simons, Director, Centre for Advanced Journalism, University of Melbourne is a freelance investigative journalist and author of several books including Journalism at the Crossroads (Scribe, 2012) and the award-winning Malcolm Fraser: the political memoirs (The Miegunyah Press, 2010), co-written with Malcolm Fraser.Elizabeth Masters is a writer at the National Archives of Australia, whose books include Keeping Family Treasures (National Archives of Australia, 2010) and Australia's Government Explained (The Watermark Press, 2008).Katie Wood is the coordinator of the Malcolm Fraser Collection and the reference service at the University of Melbourne Archives. Alternate formats This Research Guide is also available in the following format: Guide to Archives of Australia's Prime Ministers: Malcolm Fraser (Portable Document Format (.pdf) 2,856 KB) This research guide can be purchased in hard copy from the National Archives of Australia shop. TOP OF PAGE


National Archives of Australia Prime ministers' records

